There are some tips on charging car battery which as follows :
d ) Check battery: Always while buying a new battery check it first. Ask your provider ( I mean from where you battery) to check it with hydrometer an device which will show you the amount of electric current flowing through fluid ( i.e. acids ) which is key ingredient to provide or store current in battery. If the battery is not working well then please replace it. Thank you.
a) Trickel charger : According to trickel charger which charge your car battery slowly. Now since it charges your car battery slowly it will help to store current for lately I mean it will take time to charge your car battery which will charge safely. It consists od two rubber cords with a plug which you could install to an source which provide it current to your car battery. And will provide safely.
b) Clean terminal: As I said before dont touch car batteries through bare hand use protection for touching battery of car. Always clean the terminal of car battery by removing it from car safely and prevent it from rusting ( this rusting of terminal could be due to acidic constrain which get deposited near terminal of battery) because of car battery terminal could provide damages to car or even short-circuit it while making your car on suddenly. Thus always clean it by wet cloth with a solution of cooking soda or baking soda dipped in water and then remove those strains of acid buy rubbing with wet cloth carefully.
c) Cell caps : While charging your car battery always remove your battery Cell caps first then charge it . Now I have seen there is Cell caps in some batteries and in some batteries not in our car battery there was caps cell . If you not remove it then it could create gases in battery which will not be able to pass through atmosphere.
If your battery fails,you need to purchase new battery check for Latest Price